Survivors' Community that Transforms 

The healing community you deserve

as an adult survivor of childhood sexual abuse

$5 Trial

Professional Facilitation

Discussions are facilitated by premier Psychologist, Dr. Rosenna Bakari, who developed the "Living Openly Model of Healing and Advocacy."  

Healing Prompts

New topics are added each week to help survivors process their healing journey and design their path. There are no victims here. Only survivors and thrivers.

Private Membership

Closed membership means that everyone is here to heal. You worry less about being understood. You benefit from a collective consciousness while healing individually.

Dr. Rosenna Bakari

Dr. Bakari developed the Living Openly Method of Healing and Advocacy. For ten years, she has guided survivors on the journey of healing, self-discovery and empowerment. She has helped thousands of survivors live in their truth. Instead of being martyrs, they become resilient, authentic, and transparent. 

Healing Through Discussion

Having discussions with other survivors can help bring clarity to personal experiences. You will heal when isolation is removed and support is added to your healing journey. Discussions cover a broad range of topics within the context of the survivor experience. Discussions are monitored for relevance.

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